DESERET NEWS: Solicitor general farewell | Utah’s enduring legacy of service

Earlier this month, I was confirmed by the U.S. Senate to serve as a commissioner for the Federal Trade Commission. I am grateful for the trust the Senate placed in me to work for all Americans on the important work assigned to the FTC — protecting the public from deceptive, unfair or anticompetitive conduct.

While I am filled with eager anticipation to begin this next chapter, it is bittersweet to leave the Utah Attorney General’s Office. I am incredibly thankful to Attorney General Sean Reyes, who gave me the opportunity to serve Utahns as their solicitor general and fight meaningful legal battles that will leave our state in a better place for our children.

During my time as solicitor general, I often interacted with officials from other states who were impressed by Utah’s strong economy, low crime and notable higher education rates. “Why is Utah so special?” they would ask. It is because we are, and always have been, a state of service. As a seventh-generation Utahn, following a line of hard-working and honorable pioneers, I am inspired by the lessons of my ancestors and others in our state’s history of giving back to our neighbors, communities and country.

As I witnessed every day I came to work, Utah’s legacy of service extends to its dedicated public servants. I had the honor of working alongside Utah’s public servants from all branches of government who accepted the call to make this state great. While we each have unique duties to our state and constituents, we are united in defense of laws and ideals that we are sworn to uphold.

Gov. Spencer Cox and his team — which includes a wide range of departments, such as Natural Resources, Public Lands, Commerce and others — are integral partners in Utah’s legal fights. Our work was not possible without the support of the legislature, including President Stuart Adams, former Speaker Brad Wilson and current Speaker Mike Schultz. And many other public servants from across the state were critical to our success, including county attorneys, commissioners and sheriffs.

I am so proud of the battles we waged for Utah. Among the many legal issues we tackled, there are few more significant to Utahns than our public lands. It is critical to defend them against an ever-encroaching federal government intent on robbing future generations of recreation, grazing, mineral development and other uses, which have long been protected under the multiple-use policy. During my time at the Utah Attorney General’s Office, we stood up to the federal government’s attempt to usurp our rights relating to millions of acres. These lands are our heritage; they will be our children’s heritage; and the people of Utah will continue to be the best stewards of these lands.

Another major issue that I was privileged to undertake in Utah was spearheading the opposition to the environmental, social and governance, or ESG, movement. This radical agenda subverts the financial sector to pursue political control of financial services and products, all in the name of unattainable environmental dreams. One of our many anti-ESG initiatives is a 27-state lawsuit led by Utah challenging a Department of Labor rule that promotes ESG investments and threatens Americans’ retirement savings. Utah has also led the charge against the international organizations behind the ESG movement, forcing some of their members to retreat as we hold the organizations accountable to the rule of law.

Finally, there is nothing more important than the safety of our children. In today’s technology age, pernicious and predatory conduct presents itself in both physical and digital form. I am proud of Utah’s leadership role in protecting children on social media platforms. As a mother of four, this issue is near and dear to my heart. I take these fights very seriously and remain steadfast that every child is safe from predators online. While there is still much to be done, I look forward to watching Utah’s continued efforts on this front and, as an FTC commissioner, will push the agency to do its part to protect children.

I feel so fortunate to have worked at the Utah Attorney General’s Office, not just for the momentous work, but for the incredible people that work there — my colleagues and my friends. Under the leadership and support of Attorney General Reyes, these men and women are some of the best examples of public service. They strive for excellence in representing the state, often at great personal sacrifice. Our state is in good hands under their watchful care.

Thank you, Utah, for allowing me to serve as solicitor general. I will strive to always contribute to Utah’s legacy of service.‍

Melissa Holyoak is the solicitor general of Utah. She is becoming a commissioner on the Federal Trade Commission.

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